Project Portfolio Management

The strategic and operational vision for
Company Resource Allocation,
powered by Microsoft 365 technology.

We implement and enhance Project Portfolio Management (PPM) models to give your company more visibility of projects, costs, progress, and performance.

The market dictates a flawless allocation of resources and investments, time-to-market reduction, and unprecedented agility for companies. We must gear up, moving from an approach focused on the management of a single project to a more comprehensive one that places the whole portfolio at the centre.

Adopting Project Portfolio Management methods and solutions ensures benefits which enhance the company’s ability to create value:

More accurate selection of projects based on business goals, but also of resources, investments, and risks

Maximum visibility of projects, costs, progress, and performance

Efficient use of resources

Constant focus on strategic goals

Increased collaboration between teams and higher single-project performance

ACTION offers companies a Team of Consultants with considerable experience and knowledge of Project Portfolio Management and the main IT tools that facilitate its adoption. The Team possesses all the necessary skills, from design to implementation, from human resource training to on-the-job training, change management, operational assistance, and technical-application maintenance.

Request a budget estimate for your PPM project